
Company Announcement

Company Announcement

The Link Group's journey began one night in the summer of 1994. Forget fancy whiteboards – Brad and Tom sketched out their vision for a unique market research firm on a (slightly greasy) cocktail napkin. The napkin met its fate in the trash, but their ...

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Company Announcement

The Link Group's journey began one night in the summer of 1994. Forget fancy whiteboards – Brad and Tom sketched out their vision for a unique market research firm on a (slightly greasy) cocktail napkin. The napkin met its fate in the trash, but their dream lived on!...

How to Identify AI Survey Fraud

Surveys are a cornerstone of market research, but what happens when the data itself becomes unreliable? AI has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, and research is no exception. But with this progress comes a new challenge: AI survey fraud. Have you ever...